
We are coders! We learned to code this week by participating in the world wide event, Hour of Code.  We learned how to write lines of code for a Minecraft game.  Your child can continue to learn and practice this skill on the website code.org from their iPad or any desktop or laptop computer.

We are deep into reading nonfiction and doing our research this week!  On Monday we presented our first group research that we did on a form of extreme weather or a natural disaster. We then switched topics so that we could compare what different ones had in common.  We looked for patterns and relationships.  We then let our research spark new ideas and came up with new research questions.  We talked about how we need to dig deeper, and it is hard to find what we need when the author does not have our agenda when writing.

In math we practiced the “old school” long division method before venturing into our 3 day testing cycle.  The results of these tests will come home Monday.  Today we began our next unit – multi-step word problems.  We are learning how to write an algebraic equation from a comparison word problem using phrases like “times as many.”

In writing this week we used the technique of parallel lists to support our reasons in our essays.  We then worked on our introductions and conclusions.  We are also learning some basic grammar lessons.  Before this week we have studied proper nouns, common nouns, pronouns, singular and plural nouns, regular and irregular nouns, collective nouns, and reviewed when to capitalize letters.  This week we began to tackle verbs – action verbs and verbs of being (am, is, are, were, etc.).

In science we began a new unit on phases of matter. We took a pretest, then jumped into talking about properties of matter.  We learned the difference between mass and weight and the tools used to measure each.

We are always practicing to be mindful.  This week we looked at the science behind our brains when the amygdala gives us the “flight, fight, or freeze” reflex.  We saw a diagram of the neurons and how they carry messages through signals.  We talked about how we can slow down our brains and “override” this reflex to plan a mindful response to our surroundings.

Important Dates

December 21- January 2 – Winter Break – Our last day before break will be Wednesday, December 20.  We will return to school on Wednesday, January 3.

Friday, January 19 – 1/2 day – noon dismissal

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